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Can I take a snapshot of any other participant’s video stream during a session?

Yes, you can use the EnxStream.getVideoFrameImage() method to take the snapshot of a video stream during a session. The image from the video stream will be captured as raw bitmap data into the Canvas DOM Element. 

Learn more about Taking Image Snapshot from a Video Stream 

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Can I run two presentations, Screen Share & Canvas Streaming at the same time?

No, only one presentation can be active in the room at a time.

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How can I mute/unmute Audio or Video of any participant in the room?

Only a Moderator has the authority to mute/unmute audio or video of any other participant in the room. The following APIs are used to perform this operation:

  • EnxRoom.hardMuteUserAudio(clientId, Callback)
  • EnxRoom.hardMuteUserVideo(clientId, Callback)
  • EnxRoom.hardUnmuteUserAudio(clientId, Callback)
  • EnxRoom.hardUnmuteUserVideo(clientId, Callback)

Where clientID is the participant’s Id that needs to be muted/unmuted.

Refer to the Hard Mute/Unmute API specification in more detail here.

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How can I join a video room in “Voice-only” mode?

If you want to switch to an audio-only call, i.e., you want to neither receive anyone’s video nor publish your video, you can use EnxRoom.setAudioOnlyMode() method. This method acts as a toggle to switch between audio-only and audio-video calls.

room.setAudioOnlyMode(true);   // Switched to Audio-Only call
room.setAudioOnlyMode(false);  // Switched back to Audio-Video call

Learn more about How to change to Audio-only Call here.

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What is an Active Talker List?

For multi-party conference calls, the demand for computing power and bandwidth grows multiple folds as the number of participants in a call session increases. Hence, burdening the client with the processing of numerous incoming and outgoing streams. To overcome this challenge, EnableX has implemented an Active Talker list.

At any given point in time, the number of participants actively talking is limited. In large conferences, you have a few talkers and more listeners who might take turns to talk hence it is not required to process all the streams simultaneously. An active talkers list consists of 12 actively talking users at a given time which keeps getting updated as the users take turns to talk. The UI is also generally configured to display streams of active talkers.

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What is the maximum number of participants allowed in a Video Call?

EnableX Video Room works in two different modes with a different number of participants as given below:

  • Group Mode: up to 100 participants
  • Webinar Mode: up to 1000 participants

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