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Can I exchange chat messages without making an Audio/Video call?

Yes, you do not necessarily need to join an audio/video call to enter the Room. Once you join the Room, you can exchange text chats with other users in the Room.  

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How can I add the Text Chat feature in Voice calls?

To add the text chat feature in voice calls, add the following code:

// To send message to all (Public Messaging) 
room.sendMessage("Text Message", true, [], function(data) { 
      // Message sent 

// To send to selected Participant (Private Messaging) 
room.sendMessage("Text Message", false, ["XXXX"], function(data){ 
      // Message sent 

// To receive message notification 
room.addEventListener("message-received", function (event) { 
    var InMsg = event.message; 
    if (InMsg.broadcast === true) { 
             // Handle Public Message 
    else { 
            // Handle Message from InMsg.sender 

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