Table of Contents

Split Panel

EnableX Meeting App introduces a new Split Panel feature, designed to offer improved management for Chat, Hand Raise Request, and Screen Share Request components during meetings. Notably, users can enable this feature directly from the Database.

Configurable Logout Option

EnableX Meeting App introduces a new Logout UI which allows users to customize their logout experience from meetings. Users can choose whether they want a logout confirmation pop-up to appear when they end the meeting, or they can bypass the pop-up entirely. The feature aims to provide users with more control over their meeting exits and allows for a smoother and more seamless user experience.

Noise Suppression

EnableX Meeting App now offers Noise Suppression to enhance audio clarity by filtering out background noises. Users can conveniently enable or disable this feature from the room settings tab.

Delete Chat & QnA Messages

EnableX Meeting App now introduces the Delete Chat feature, enabling users to delete specific messages within a chat or conversation. This action only deletes the selected message, leaving the rest of the chat intact. Once a message or conversation is deleted, it is typically removed from the user interface and is no longer accessible to the user.

Users can also delete specific open questions in the Q&A section. Moderators can delete answered questions or any open questions.

Role Switching Flexibility

EnableX Meeting App now offers advanced role capabilities. With this feature, moderators can promote other participants to the moderator role. This facilitates seamless transitions in control and leadership depending on the evolving requirements during discussions.

Break-Out Room

For enhanced visibility, participants in the main room will now be able to identify any participant who has joined a breakout room. During a meeting, if a participant joins a breakout room, the other participants in the main room will see a special icon on that participant’s video. Also, any virtual background set by a participant in the main room will be carried over and displayed automatically in the breakout room.

Branding for a scheduled Meeting & Webinar

EnableX Meeting application has Branding Options for a scheduled Webinar and Meetings. The owner/organizer can setup marketing contents for Login Page using a headline, description text, a banner or video; also can add a banner for the Video Room. [ Read more… ]

Text Chat based Q&A

EnableX Meeting features a Text Chat based Q&A tool for both Webinar and Meetings using which users post by typing in into a form and moderators can post back answers or speak out to answer in the Video Room. [ Read more… ]


EnableX Meeting Application comes with a device responsive, feature rich Whiteboard best suited for your collaboration needs. The purpose of a whiteboard is to visualize thoughts, concepts, write down ideas, explain and teach, plan and create in the group and many other things. This tool is widely used by specific business use cases like Online Tutoring. [ Read more… ]

Keyboard Shortcuts

EnableX Meeting Application now comes with Keyboard Shortcuts to issue commands for the commonly used functions. Therefore, without having to use a mouse, a user now can issue commands using predefined Keyboard Shorts. [ Read more… ]

Keyboard Shortcuts

EnableX Meeting Application now comes with Keyboard Shortcuts to issue commands for the commonly used functions. Therefore, without having to use a mouse, a user now can issue commands using predefined Keyboard Shorts. [ Read more… ]


EnableX Meeting Application introduces in-Session Polling feature. Poll can be created and initiated from Moderator Side for others to respond to. The responses collected may be viewed and shared with everyone.

Moderators have the power to extend the active duration of polls, ensuring comprehensive participant engagement. Also, moderators can choose to show poll results only to other moderators or to everyone at the conference. Each new poll will be counted separately, making feedback clear and organized.

Raise Hand to talk

EnableX Meeting Application now introduces a Raise Hand Feature in Group Meeting mode. This is to maintain decorum in a Video Session. In a large party call, a user simply doesn’t jump in to ongoing debate or conversation to talk. Instead he clicks a button to raise hand to notify others that he is willing to talk. He talks when subsequently a Moderator asks him to talk.

HLS Streaming to reach larger Audience

EnableX Meeting Application supports HLS Streaming in Webinar. HLS Streaming helps to scale up your reach to a larger audience. Audiences receive best quality video streaming based on available bandwidth at their end. You can define Audience against your Anytime Webinar Room or while scheduling a Webinar. Audiences are to follow a direct Join URL to the Webinar. As soon as the first audience joins, HLS starts automatically and every audience will see the live stream.

Virtual Background

The Virtual Background feature allows users to blur own Video Background or to use a image from Library as as Video Background. This feature works best with a physical green screen at your backdrop or with uniform lighting on a plain backdrop. In other cases, user may experience patchy edges.