Video Embed URL has embedded Room-ID for Virtual Sessions. Your Application’s business logic and workflow might need many rooms to meet your requirement. Know how you create more rooms of different kind and how to embed them into your EMBED URL to get connected to different Virtual Rooms.

A Video conferencing session takes place in the Meeting Room hosted on the EnableX server. A Room is a virtual meeting space within the EnableX platform to host real-time communication sessions. It facilitates communication among participants through Audio, Video & Chat.

The communication between your Application Server and the EnableX server is carried out via Rest API, which is also known as Server API. Access Credentials APP_ID and APP_KEY, which you get at the time of creating a Project, must be passed as Authorization Header for accessing the Server APIs.

You can create a Meeting Room request by calling Server/Rest API through Meeting Room URL (see Example 1). To establish the room connection, IFRAME Embed URL requires a Meeting Room ID. Once the connection gets established, the IFRAME Embed starts playing Participant’s Videos on your platform.

Example 1: Meeting URL Explanation

1. Create a Room to get Room ID

To create a Meeting Room URL, you first need to create a Room and fetch the Room ID. You can create a Room using a Server API and the EnableX server responds with the JSON Payload containing the unique “room-id”. There are three different types of Meeting Rooms that can be created: Permanent, Scheduled, and Ad-hoc.

1.1 Permanent Room

It is a meeting room that always remains available for use once created. You can start it anytime and schedule it for further use in the future. Use the following Settings in JSON Payload for API Call to create Permanent Room:

{"settings": {"scheduled": false, "adhoc": false}}

Example 2: API Call to create Permanent Room

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX
  "name": "My Permanent Room",
  "owner_ref": "XOXO",
  "settings": {
    "description": "My Permanent Room",
    "mode": "group",
    "scheduled": false,
    "adhoc": false,
    "duration": 30,
    "moderators": "1",
    "participants": "3",
    "quality": "SD",
    "canvas": false,
    "screen_share": false,
    "abwd": true,
    "max_active_talkers": 4

EnableX server responds with JSON containing a unique room-id.

  "result": 0,
  "room": {
    "name": "My Permanent Room",
    "owner_ref": "XOXO",
    "settings": {
      "scheduled": false,
      "adhoc": false
    "created": "2021-05-25T00:20:30.851Z",
    "room_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

1.2 Scheduled Room

This Room is only available for a particular duration/period that needs to be specified with a scheduled time and duration. Use the following Settings in JSON Payload for API Call to create Scheduled Room:

{"settings": {"scheduled": true, "scheduled time": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:II:SS", "duration": 30}}

The scheduled time here is in GMT.

Example 3: API Call to create Scheduled Room

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX
  "name": "My Scheduled Room",
  "owner_ref": "XOXO",
  "settings": {
    "description": "My Scheduled Room",
    "mode": "group",
    "scheduled": true,
    "adhoc": false,
    "scheduled_time": "2021-05-31 05:30:00",
    "duration": 30,
    "moderators": "1",
    "participants": "3",
    "quality": "SD",
    "abwd": true

EnableX server responds with JSON containing a unique room-id.

  "result": 0,
  "room": {
    "name": "My Scheduled Room",
    "owner_ref": "XOXO",
    "settings": {
      "scheduled": true,
      "scheduled_time": "2021-05-31 05:30:00",
      "duration": 30,
      "adhoc": false
    "created": "2021-05-25T00:20:30.851Z",
    "room_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

1.3 Adhoc Room

It can be created instantly and is only available for a single call. Use the following Settings in JSON Payload for API Call to create Scheduled Room:

{"settings": {"scheduled": false, "adhoc": true}}

Example 4: API Call to create Adhoc Room

Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXX
  "name": "My Adhoc Room",
  "owner_ref": "XOXO",
  "settings": {
    "description": "My Adhoc Room",
    "mode": "group",
    "scheduled": false,
    "adhoc": true,
    "duration": 30,
    "moderators": "1",
    "participants": "3",
    "quality": "SD",
    "canvas": false,
    "screen_share": false,
    "abwd": true,
    "max_active_talkers": 4

EnableX server responds with JSON containing a unique room-id.

  "result": 0,
  "room": {
    "name": "My Adhoc Room",
    "owner_ref": "XOXO",
    "settings": {
      "scheduled": false,
      "adhoc": true
    "created": "2021-05-25T00:20:30.851Z",
    "room_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

To learn more about Server APIs, refer to the following sources:

2. Create Meeting URL

The video meeting taking place in a meeting room can be accessed easily through the Meeting URL. This Meeting URL is used as a source URL in the IFRAME Embed Code.

The Meeting URL (see Example 5) comprises two key components: Room ID and Domain.

Example 5: Meeting URLs

EnableX requires unique Room IDs for both Participants and Moderators. They can join the Video Meeting with their respective unique Meeting URLs.

  • Participant Meeting URL
    • For Embed Lite – 4 Participant UI Layout
      • https//
    • For Embed Premium – 12 Participant UI Layout
      • https//
  • Moderator Meeting URL
    • For Embed Lite – 4 Participant UI Layout
      • https//*#
    • For Embed Premium – 12 Participant UI Layout
      • https//*#

Here #HASH*# is a base64 encoded string with ROOM ID and APP ID (APP ID is generated when you create a Project. Use “-” (Dash) as a separator, e.g. base64 encode ("ROOM_ID"-"APP_ID").

A Moderator has the following special privileges in a Video Room:

  • Lock Room
  • Record
  • Live Streaming
  • Mute Room
  • Hard Mute Participants
  • Disconnect Participant
  • Control Participants Entry
  • Close Conference