Video Session APIs covers EnableX Meeting and Webinar App’s Access and in-session Tools.

Table of Contents

Join Session

This API authenticates a PIN for a Meeting Room and if authenticated if gets the user access to the Video Meeting.

This API call doesn’t require any Access Credential.

API Accessibility: Any user (Joining as a Host or Participant to the call)

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: POST

Request Example:

Content-Type: application/json
X-Api-Id: String

  "pin": "String",
  "name": "string",
  "user_ref": "string"

Headers Explanation:

  • Content-Type: To have application/json to notify that the body content is in JSON.
  • X-Api-Id: API Access ID. Get this from Portal.

Raw Body JSON Payload Explanation:

Object/KeyData TypeRequiredDescription
pinStringRequiredEither Host/Moderator PIN or Participant PIN
nameStringRequiredName of user
user_refStringRequiredUser Identifier Data

Response Example:

  "result": 1,
  "token": "String",
  "user": {
    "meeting_id": "String",
    "customer_id": "String",
    "room_id": "String",
    "role": "String",
    "user_id": "String",
    "first_name": "String",
    "middle_name": "String",
    "last_name": "String",
    "email": "String",
    "profile_pic": "String"

Response Explanation (For Important Object/Keys only):

Object / KeysDescription
tokenToken to join Video Session
user.meeting_idMeeting ID
user.customer_idCustomer ID for which the meeting/usage will be accounted
user.room_idVideo Room ID
user.roleRole of user, either “moderator” or “participant”
user.user_idHost/Moderator ID
user.first_nameFirst Name
user.middle_nameMiddle Name
user.last_nameLast Name
user.emailEmail Address
user.profile_picUser Profile Pic URL

Invite others to join ongoing Session

This API is used to invites others by Email to join ongoing Session. The Email is sent with Participant PIN and Direct URL to join the Session.

API Accessibility: Any user (Joining as a Host or Participant to the call)

  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: POST

Request Example:

Content-Type: application/json
X-Api-Id: String

{	"pin": "String",
	"room_id": "String",
	"meeting_id": "String", 
	"invitees": [ "String" ]

Headers Explanation:

  • Content-Type: To have application/json to notify that the body content is in JSON.
  • X-Api-Id: API Access ID. Get this from Portal.

Raw Body JSON Payload Explanation:

Note: One among pin, room_id and meeting_id is required.

Object/KeyData TypeRequiredDescription
pinStringOptionalParticipant PIN
meeting_idStringOptionalMeeting-ID of current Session
room_idStringOptionalRoom-ID of current Session
inviteesArrayRequiredArray of Email Addresses

Response Example:

  "result": 1,
  "desc": "Invitation Email has been sent"

Get Branding Info

This API is used to get branding information for a domain, customer and against a meeting setup.

  • If API is called only with Domain Name, it will return Domain specific branding information.
  • If API is called Customer ID, then the branding information overwritten by any customization done at the Customer Level.
  • If API is called Meeting ID, then the branding information gets overwritten by any customization done at the Meeting Level.
  • API Route:
  • HTTP Request: GET

Request Example (With Domain):

Content-Type: application/json
X-Api-Id: String

Headers Explanation:

  • Content-Type: To have application/json to notify that the body content is in JSON.
  • X-Api-Id: API Access ID. Get this from Portal.

Query String Variables:

Note: You may use all variables in single API Call or use any variable. You must use at least one variable in Query String.

Object/KeyData TypeRequiredDescription
domainStringOptionalHost Domain Name for Meeting App
customer_idStringOptionalCustomer ID of Domain Owner
meeting_idStringOptionalMeeting-ID of current Session

Response Example: For Video Meeting App

  "result": 1,
  "vc": {
    "enabled": true,
    "name": "String",
    "url": "String",
    "logo": "String",
    "logo_inner": "String",
    "logo_icon": "String",
    "favicon": "String",
    "desc": "String",
    "exit_url": "String",
    "copyright": "String",
    "login_page": {
      "heading": "String",
      "content": "String"
    "fields": [
        "label": "String",
        "type": "String",
        "length": "Number",
        "required": "Boolean",
        "id": "Boolean",
        "order": "Number",
        "messages": {
          "required": "String",
          "email": "String"
    "email": {
      "from_email": "String",
      "from_name": "String",
      "replyto_email": "String",
      "template": "String"
    "tos": {
      "enabled": "Boolean",
      "terms_url": "String",
      "privacy_url": "String"
    "credits": {
      "enabled": "Boolean",
      "name": "String",
      "logo_url": "String",
      "target_url": "String"
    "options": {
      "live_streaming": "Boolean",
      "screenshare": "Boolean",
      "whiteboard": "Boolean"
    "api": {
      "referrer_check": "Boolean",
      "referrer_domain": "String",
      "user_ref_check": "Boolean"

Response Explanation (For Important Object/Keys only):

Object / KeysDescription
vcvc object appears if the Branding Information for Video Meeting App
wbwb object appears if the Branding Information for Webinar App

Note: Both vc and wb object appears if same domain is being used for Webinar and Video Meeting.

Error Codes

Error CodeDescription
2101PIN field is required if room ID is not present
2107PIN must be between 6 to 10 characters
2207Array of email addresses of the invitees is required
2208The invitees must be an array
2209At least one email invite is required