The EnxRTCiOS directory contains EnxRTCiOS.framework iOS SDK. Add this framework in your project. The EnxRTCiOS iOS SDK is supported in iOS 12+ and XCode 9+.

  • Install CocoaPods as described in CocoaPods Getting Started.
  • Open Terminal. Go to project directory and run pod init.
  • To integrate EnxRTCiOS into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify pod name EnxRTCiOS.
  • After adding all the required libraries in PodFile, go to terminal and run pod Install.
  • Reopen your project in Xcode using the new .xcworkspace file.


  • When you use EnxRTCiOS Framework through pod, it will also include EnablexWebRTC Framework.
  • To use EnableXiOS SDK you must use Socket.IO-Client-Swift(15.0.0) also in your project with the following pod names:
'Socket.IO-Client-Swift', '~> 15.0.0' 

Error & Exceptions

When EnableX iOS SDK API call fails, it returns a JSON object through Callback as shown:

	"errorCode": Number,
	"msg": "String",
	"desc": "String"
  • errorCode – Number. Error Code.
  • msg – String. Error Message.
  • desc – String. Optional. A descriptive explanation of the error.