Table of Contents

Mute / Unmute Audio in a Stream

The EnxStream.muteSelfAudio() method is used to mute/unmute Audio of the Local Stream.

Class: EnxStream

Methods: public void muteSelfAudio( isMute )

Parameter: isMutetrue to mute and false to unmute Audio.


  • onRemoteStreamAudioMute – Notification to everyone in the Room when a user mutes self Audio.
  • onRemoteStreamAudioUnMute – Notification to everyone in the Room when a user unmutes self Audio.
  • onAudioEvent – Acknowledgment to the user when self Audio is muted/unmuted.
localStream.muteSelfAudio(true); // To mute audio of local stream
localStream.muteSelfAudio(true); // To unmute audio of local stream

// To self. Audio is muted/unmuted.
public void onAudioEvent(JSONObject json) {
   // json { "result":0, "msg": "Audio Off" }  
   // json { "result":0, "msg": "Audio On" }  

// To all. Audio muted by Remote user.
public void onRemoteStreamAudioMute(JSONObject json) { 
   // json {"result":0, "msg":"User muted audio", "clientId": "XXX" }   

 // To all. Audio unmuted by Remote user.
public void onRemoteStreamAudioUnMute(JSONObject json) { 
   // json {"result":0, "msg":"User unmuted audio", "clientId": "XXX" }   

Error Codes / Exceptions

5058Repeated muteSelfAudio() call made while a previous mute request is in process.
5059Repeated muteSelfAudio() call made while a previous unmute request is in process.
5060Repeated muteSelfAudio() call made after Audio has been muted already.
5061Trying to unmute Audio without muting it first.
5062Unable to unmute Audio as Audio hard-muted by the Moderator.

Mute / Unmute Video in a Stream

The EnxStream.muteSelfVideo() method is used to mute/unmute Video of the Local Stream.

Class: EnxStream

Methods: public void muteSelfVideo( isMute )

Parameter: isMutetrue to mute, false to unmute Video.


  • onRemoteStreamVideoMute – Notification to everyone in the Room when a user mutes self Video.
  • onRemoteStreamVideoUnMute – Notification to everyone in the Room when a user unmutes self Video.
  • onVideoEvent – Acknowledgment to the user when self Video is muted/unmuted.
localStream.muteSelfVideo(true); // To mute video of local stream
localStream.muteSelfVideo(false); // To unmute video of local stream

// To self. Video is muted/unmuted.
public void onVideoEvent(JSONObject json) {
   // json { "result":0, "msg": "Video Off" }  
   // json { "result":0, "msg": "Video On" }  

// To all. Video muted by Remote user
public void onRemoteStreamVideoMute(JSONObject json) { 
   // json {"result":0, "msg":"User muted video", "clientId": "XXX" }     

// To all. Video unmuted by Remote user
public void onRemoteStreamVideoUnMute(JSONObject json) {  
   // json {"result":0, "msg":"User unmuted video", "clientId": "XXX" }   

Error Codes / Exceptions

5020Unable to process muteSelfVideo() when the user has denied Camera permission.
5071Repeated muteSelfVideo() call made while a previous request is in process.
5063Repeated muteSelfVideo() call made after Video has been muted already.
5064Repeated muteSelfVideo() call made after Video has been unmuted already.
5065When the user tries to unmute Video without muting it first. Non-Contextual Method call.
5066Unable to unmute Video as Video hard-muted by the Moderator.
5070Unable to unmute Video in Audio-only call mode.