For WhatsApp, rich media content can be used to create visually appealing and interactive messages that can capture the attention of the recipient.

Table of Contents


Rich media content refers to interactive digital media that uses a combination of text, images, videos, audio and other multimedia elements to provide a more engaging and immersive user experience.

Media of different type, viz. document, audio, video, image are defined as given JSON Structure below. These definitions are in define components with Rich Media. If media type is set to any of the rich-media type, then related JSON Object must be use.

Type of Rich Media Contents

Following type of Rich Media Contents are supported to be sent over WhatsApp Business Platform:

  • Image
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Document
  • Sticker

The following section discusses specification of each type of media and how they are used while sending message and creating templates.

Rich Media Type: Image

Imagery contents are sent over WhatsApp. Image files are referred in JSON Payload with a publicly accessibly URL hosted over https. Media type is written as “image“.


  • Supported Formats: image/jpeg, image/png. Images must be 8-bit, RGB or RGBA
  • Size Limit: 5 MB.

JSON Payload Example: To send message with image

  "type": "image",
  "image": {
    "caption": "{caption}",
    "link": "{public image url}"

Payload explanation

typeStringEnumerated values. Use image
imageObjectObject contacts image information
linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the image file
captionOptionalCaption for the Image

JSON Payload Example: To send message using a template defined with Image in header component

  "template": {
    "components": [
        "type": "header",
        "parameters": [
            "type": "image",
            "image": {
              "link": "{public image url}",
              "caption": "{caption}"

Payload explanation

linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the Image file
captionOptionalCaption for the Image

Rich Media Type: Audio

Audio contents are sent over WhatsApp. Audio files are referred in JSON Payload with a publicly accessibly URL hosted over https. Media type is written as “audio“.


  • Supported Formats: audio/aac, audio/mp4, audio/mpeg, audio/amr, audio/ogg
  • Unsupported Formats: Opus codecs, base audio/ogg
  • Size Limit: 16 MB.

JSON Payload Example: To send message with audio

  "type": "audio",
  "audio": {
    "link": "{public audio file url}"

Payload explanation

typeRequiredEnumerated values. Use audio
audioObjectObject contacts audio file information
audio.linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the audio file
audio.filenameOptionalName of the file with extension

JSON Payload Example: To send message using a template defined with Audio in header component

  "template": {
    "components": [
        "type": "header",
        "parameters": [
            "type": "audio",
            "audio": {
              "link": "{public media url}",
              "filename": "{name of the file}"

Payload explanation

linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the audio file
filenameOptionalName of the file with extension

Rich Media Type: Video

Video contents are sent over WhatsApp. Video files are referred in JSON Payload with a publicly accessibly URL hosted over https. Media type is written as “video“.


  • Supported Formats: video/mp4, video/3gp. Videos with a single audio stream or no audio stream
  • Unsupported Formats: Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported
  • Size Limit: 16 MB.

JSON Payload Example: To send message with video

  "type": "video",
  "video": {
    "caption": "{caption}",
    "link": "{public video file url}"

Payload explanation

typeRequiredEnumerated values. Use video
video ObjectObject contacts video file information
video.linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the video file
video.filenameOptionalName of the file with extension
video.captionOptionalCaption for the video

JSON Payload Example: To send message using a template defined with Video in header component

  "template": {
    "components": [
        "type": "header",
        "parameters": [
            "type": "video",
            "video": {
              "link": "{public media url}",
              "filename": "{name of the file}",
	      "caption": "{caption}"

Payload explanation

linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the video file
filenameOptionalName of the file with extension
captionOptionalCaption for the video

Rich Media Type: Document

Documents are sent over WhatsApp. Document files are referred in JSON Payload with a publicly accessibly URL hosted over https. Media type is written as “document“.


  • Supported Formats: text/plain, application/pdf, application/, application/msword, application/, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.shee
  • Size Limit: 100 MB.

JSON Payload Example: To send message with document

  "type": "document",
  "document": {
    "link": "{public document file url}",
    "caption": "{caption}",
    "filename": "wds"

Payload explanation

typeRequiredEnumerated values. Use document
documentObject Object contacts document file information RequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the document file
filenameOptionalName of the file with extension
captionOptionalCaption for the document

JSON Payload Example: To send message using a template defined with Document in header component

  "template": {
    "components": [
        "type": "header",
        "parameters": [
            "type": "document",
            "document": {
              "link": "{public document url}",
              "filename": "{name of the file}",
	      "caption": "{caption}"

Payload explanation

linkRequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the document file
fileOptionalName of the file with extension
captionOptionalCaption for the document

Rich Media Type: Sticker

Stickers are sent over WhatsApp. Sticker files are referred in JSON Payload with a publicly accessibly URL hosted over https. Media type is written as “sticker“.


  • Supported Formats: image/webp
  • Size Limit: 100 KB.

JSON Payload Example: To send message with sticker

  "type": "sticker",
  "sticker": {
    "link": "{public sticker file url}"

Payload explanation

typeRequiredEnumerated values. Use sticker
stickerObject Object contacts document file information RequiredPublicly accessible https hosted URL for the sticker file

Failure Conditions

In case you try to send a Rich Media Content that doesn’t comply to the specification, message will be accepted for processing but it will fail to deliver. In such cases, you get failure notifications posted to your Webhook.

JSON Example: For message failure with Rich Media

  "statuses": [
      "id": "{message id}",
      "recipient_id": "{recipient phone}",
      "status": "failed",
      "timestamp": "{unix timestamp}",
      "type": "message",
      "errors": [
          "code": 131053,
          "title": "Image file has size 15483160 bytes but must be atmost 5242880 bytes and non-empty"
  "business_phone": "{business phone}"

Notification Payload Explanation

idMessage ID of the message failed
recipient_idPhone no. of the user to whom the message was intended to deliver
statusStatus of the message. Here it comes as failed
timestampUnix Timestamp in UTC
typeType of status. This is related to a message sent so it comes as message
errorsArray of errors. Each object contains details of the error with error code
brand_msidnBrand MSIDN (Business Phone Number) which had sent the message