The Annotation feature allows you to annotate on a Remote Stream. To support Annotations, you need to enable Canvas Streaming during Room Creation by setting: { canvas: true; }} in the JSON payload. To implement Annotation, you need to add Annotation Toolbar before you can start Annotations.

Table of Contents

Annotation Toolbar

The Annotation Toolbar appears with a default set of tools and properties. The EnxRoom.annotateToolAction() method allows you to configure the Annotation Toolbar.

Class: EnxRoom

Method: EnxRoom.annotateToolAction(action, value)


  • action: String. Tool property name. Following tools are used as action:
    • draw : Boolean.
    • drawType : String e.g. Pencil.
    • Color : String. HEX Color Code e.g. #ff0000
    • LineWidth : Numeric. Default: 3
  • value: value of the Tool as explained above.
function annotateToolAction("Color", "#ff0000") {

Start Annotation

The EnxRoom.startAnnotation() method is used to start Annotation on a given Stream object.

Class: EnxRoom

Methods: EnxRoomstartAnnotation(EnxStream, Callback) 


EnxStream – Stream Object that needs to be annotated.

Event Listeners:

  • canvas-started – Notification to everyone in the Room when canvas streaming starts. The event message contains "canvasType == "Annotation” to identify it as Annotation.
const stream = roomObject.remoteStreams.get(streamId);
roomObject.startAnnotation(stream, function (arg) {
	console.log(arg, "arg");

//All are notified that Annotation started
roomObject.addEventListener("canvas-started ", function(evt) {
	/* evt.canvasType === "Annotation" */ 

Stop Annotation

The EnxRoom.stopAnnotation() method is used to stop Annotations.


Event Listeners:

  • canvas-stopped – Notification to everyone in the Room when canvas streaming stops. The event message contains "canvasType == "Annotation” to identify it as Annotation.
roomObject.stopAnnotation(function (arg) {

//All are notified that Annotation stopped
roomObject.addEventListener("canvas-stopped ", function(evt) {
	/* evt.canvasType === "Annotation" */ 