You must subscribe to the streams individually to receive media streams of other participants connected to a Room. Unless you subscribe a stream, you will not receive anything.

When a new stream is added to the Room a callback streamAdded is received with Stream Object. The receive the stream, you need to subscribe to it using Enx.subscribe() method.

Method: Enx.subscribe(remoteStreamID, Callback)


  • remoteStreamID- The Remote Stream Object to subscribe
  • Callback – Error in subscription

Callback: streamSubscribed – You are notified that the Stream has been subscribed.

// You are notified about new Stream in Room
streamAdded:event=>{	// Subscribe Stream

streamSubscribed :event=>{
    // Stream is subscribed 

Note! Please do not subscribe to your local stream. EnableX platform will not return your local audio and video stream. Details can be found in Active Talkers section. However, as a publisher you will receive your own Screen Share and Canvas Streaming.