A Moderator can designate a connected Participant to act as a Moderator during the session. Doing so, the promoted Participant would get access to all the rights of the Moderator, i.e. accesses all features listed under Moderator Controls; and the old Moderator becomes a Participant. Similarly, the new Moderator can further grant Moderator Role to other participant if needed.


ParameterclientId – Client ID of the participant who is being designated as Moderator


  • acknowledgeSwitchUserRole– Moderator is acknowledged that he has requested for Switch User Role
  • userRoleChanged– All participants are notified with a message that a new user has been appointed as moderator. Also, the newly appointed moderator is notified with extra information
Enx.switchUserRole(clientId); // Role Change Request from Moderator

acknowledgeSwitchUserRole: event => {
	// Moderator is acknowledged

userRoleChanged: event => {
	// All Participants are notified - event jsonObject
	{	"moderator": false, // You are not a moderator
		"clientId": "XXX"   // New Moderator's Client ID
	// New Moderator is notified  - jsonObject
	{   "moderator": true,  // You are a moderator
		"clientId": "XXX",  // New Moderator's Client ID i.e. You
		"raisedHands":[],   // List of Client IDs requested Floor Access
		"approvedHands":[]  // List of Client IDs with Floor Access