In Lecture Mode, only the Moderator publishes a stream to the room whereas all other participants subscribe to see and listen to the Moderator. If participants have questions to ask during the session, the Moderator can grant the floor to the participant to publish his stream.

Table of Contents

Request Floor Access

A participant requests for Floor access is forwarded to the Moderator using a notification event.

Method: Enx.requestFloor() – No parameter needed. Participant requests floor access


  • floorRequested   – Requesting Participant received acknowledgement that his request has been received by Moderator
  • floorRequestReceived  – The Moderator receives requests from Participant
Enx.requestFloor(); // Participant requests floor access

// Participant is acknowledged
floorRequested : event =>{
	// event { result:1701, msg:'Floor Request Received' }

// Moderator receive Floor Access Request
floorRequestReceived : event =>{
	// event { clientId : 1234, name : 'android' }

Cancel Requested Floor Access

The Enx.cancelFloor() method allows participants to cancel their request for Floor Access pending for Moderator’s approval.


Method: Enx.cancelFloor() – No Parameter required.


  • cancelledFloorRequest – Notification to the Moderator when the participant cancels the Floor Access Request.
  • floorCancelled – Acknowledgment to the Participant when their Floor Access Request is cancelled.

              // Moderator receives cancellation request

             // Participant is acknowledged that floor request is cancelled

Error Codes & Exceptions

5003Unauthorized Access. When a user with moderator role invokes cancelFloor().
5041Repeated cancelFloor() call while a previous request is in process.
5042Repeated cancelFloor() call after the request has already been canceled.
5067Unable to process the request for a Room in group mode. Non-Contextual method call.

Grant Floor Access

Moderator might grant floor access to one or many users one by one. Note that at any given point of time, only one person may be granted floor access. To grant access to others, moderator must release floor access from the participant who is currently granted floor access. Once granted floor access, the designated participant will be notified using an event and he can publish his stream.

Method: Enx.grantFloor(clientID) – Moderator grants floor access to participant


  • processFloorRequested – Moderator is acknowledged that Participant is granted floor access
  • grantedFloorRequest – Participant receives floor access
Enx.grantFloor(ClientId); // To grant floor access to ClientId

// To participant: Floor Access granted
grantedFloorRequest : event =>{
	// event = { result:1708, msg:'Floor Granted', clientId: "XXX" }

//To moderator: Acknowledgement 
processFloorRequested : event =>{
	// event = { result:1708, msg:'Floor Granted' }

Deny Floor Access

The Moderator may also deny a request for floor access to a participant.

Method: Enx.denyFloor(ClientIDk) – Moderator denies floor access to a Participant


  • processFloorRequested – Moderator is acknowledged that he denied floor access to a Participant
  • deniedFloorRequest – Participant is notified that he has been denied floor access
Enx.denyFloor(ClientId); // To deny floor access to ClientId

// To participant: Floor Access request denied
deniedFloorRequest : event =>{
 // event = { result:4117, msg:'Floor request denied', clientId: "XXX" }

//To moderator: Acknowledgement 
processFloorRequested : event =>{
 // event = { result:1709, msg:'Floor Denied' }

Finish Floor Access

The Enx.finishFloor() allows the Participant to announce the completion of Floor Access and release Floor Access.


Method: Enx.finishFloor()– No Parameter required.


  • finishedFloorRequest: Notification to the Moderator when the Participant finishes Floor Access.
  • floorFinished: Acknowledgment to the Participant when Floor Access is finished.

           // Moderator received Floor Finish notification

             // Participants is acknowledged that floor access is finished

Error Codes & Exceptions

5003Unauthorized Access. When a user with moderator role invokes finishFloor().
5041Repeated finishFloor() call while the previous request is in process.
5042When participant retries finishFloor() after finishing the Floor Access.
5067Unable to process the request for a Room in group mode. Non-Contextual method call.

Note: In case of an error, <null> is received at the first Index and Error Info at the second Index.

Release Floor Access

Moderator may terminate floor access granted to some participant. Upon termination, the user’s stream(s) is unpublished. It is necessary to terminate floor access of a participant before giving out floor access to another participant.

Method: Enx.releaseFloor(clientId) – Moderator released floor request from a Client


  • processFloorRequested – Moderator is acknowledged that floor is released
  • floorReleased– Participant i notified that floor access has been revoked. His stream is automatically unpublished.
Enx.releaseFloor(ClientId); // To release floor access floor ClientId

// To participant: Floor Access released
floorReleased : event =>{
	// event = { result:1712, msg:'Floor released', clientId: "XXX" }

//To moderator: Acknowledgement 
processFloorRequested : event =>{
	// event = { result:1712, msg:'Floor Released' }

Restore Moderator Session

In case the Moderator is disconnected during a session, the list of received floor requests and participant currently with floor access can be retrieved when connection is restored to the room in the Room-Meta viz.

Structured Data JSON

  • room.raisedHands– An Array of Client-IDs who requested floor-access
  • room.approvedHandsAn Array of Client-IDs who currently has floor access

Invite to Floor

In lecture mode, where only the Moderator can speak and control speakers in the Room through Floor Access Control methods, the Invite to Floor methods provide more options to the Moderator to organize a conference in lecture mode.

Invite Participant to Floor

The Enx.inviteToFloor() method allows the Moderator to invite any Participant in the ongoing conference to the Floor and talk.

Class: Enx

Method: Enx.inviteToFloor(clientId)

Parameter: clientId – String. The client ID of the invited Participant.


  • ackInviteToFloorRequested – Acknowledgment to the Moderator when an invitation to Floor is sent to the Participant.
  • inviteToFloorRequested – Notification to all the Moderators in the Room when an invitation to Floor is sent to the Participant.

           //Acknowledgment to the moderator who invited
         //Notification to all the moderators in the room
invitedForFloorAccess: event=>{
 //Notification to the invited participant

Error Codes & Exceptions:

5086 Endpoint application is not connected to a Room. 
5097inviteToFloor() is not applicable in a Chat-Only Room. Non-Contextual method call.
5006A User with a participant role is not authorized to invoke inviteToFloor().
5045Unable to invite a user with an invalid client ID. 
5067Unable to process the request for a Room in group mode. Non-Contextual method call.